The Balance Support Team

The UK-based superhero group known as The Balance has a support team – jokingly referred to as the ‘BASE-mates’ the team currently consists of:

‘Android Annie’ Moreau, the only child of Dr Phillippe Moreau, Biologist Supreme of the Foundry, or at least her head and brain that survived the accident that destroyed her body. Resurrected twice, her brain now resides in an android body. She is the team’s doctor and computer expert as well as running the Third Eye Private Investigation Agency with her partner and ex-Balance member Young Sam. She had her android body made tall so that it was the right height for Young Sam.


Frankie is an artificial computer-based intelligence accidentally created by Annie and now responsible for monitoring, research and base security.


Dwarf – one of seven maintenance and surveillance droids built by the Challenger-Wildeman family and on permanent loan to the Balance.

Edward Reginald Jeeves served in the SAS before becoming a Gentleman’s Gentleman. In his previous position he was diagnosed and dismissed after developing paranoid schizophrenia and sacked. In reality he was possessed by demonic imps. Homeless he found shelter in container town and support and friendship from the mysterious owner of the settlement, Mother Weirdigan who was replaced in this reality by her para-doppelgänger Banshee. He was eventually exorcised of his demons and became the team’s primary support.

With him is Rascal his terrier. For further information of Jeeves and Rascal go to

Top right of screen, Tinks is the team’s remote-controlled recording drone for evidence gathering in the field.

Mikey (Michaela) Angelo is a technokinetic, a Meta with the ability to build and animate technology – she thinks of herself as an artist first and foremost as well as managing the junkyard above the BASEment and its security with her three robotic hounds.

Inspector Marcus Tolliver is the team’s primary liaison with the Wessex Police and father of ex-team member Locker.

Bethany Dalton, 13-year-old estranged and emancipated daughter of the UK billionaire, Sir Damien Dalton and secretly the team’s sponsor.  

Jim Selachi Jr aka ‘Jimmy the Fish’ is Bethany’s corporate lawyer in charge of her ‘Daddy Issues’ legal team and at her request deals with the Balance’s legal and business issues acting as a liaison between them and Bethany’s legal team.

He’s introduced to the team in








